Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Debate Pointers: Tells Which Give Away When Obama is Lying...

Debate Pointers: Tells Which Give Away When Obama is Lying...

1. A pattern of "ahs" and "uhmms". Awkward pausing punctuated by semi-stutters increases in frequency as the lies increase

2. Filibustering. Average length of answer increases as he lies. Wandering as he rambles, the more he lies.

3. He will blow through every time limit, and dare the moderator or Mitt Romney to challenge him.

4. Feigned outrage that anyone would interrupt or question him. Countenance displays a disapproving sneer and his voice clouds with displeasure.

5. Non-responsive self-pity, verbal agonizing on how difficult it was when he took over and how hard he has been working. Displays of outrage at being thought a failure or "in over his head".

6. Citing of straw men, the president's favorite rhetorical trick. He will set up arguments that have never been made in the service of goals that have never existed, and then he will denounce both. Appearance of a straw man a trigger for lies to begin.

Issues on which to look for lies:
1) Benghazi Attack coverup,
2) Failure to remedy joblessness,
3) Failure to spark a recovery,
4) Failure to control Iran's nuclear ambitions,
5) Failure to keep promise on Immigration reform even with majority in House, Senate, and while President in first 2 years.

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