Friday, June 8, 2012

Playing the Nazi Card: How Germany Will Be Bludgeoned into Bailing Out Europe

Playing the Nazi Card: How Germany Will Be Bludgeoned into Bailing Out Europe

For Germany, being part of the European Union has always included an element of blackmail. France has been playing this card from the beginning, but now the Spanish and the Greeks have mastered the game. They're banking on Berlin losing its nerve.

They remember Winston Churchill's famous quote about  Germans: "They are either licking your boots, or at your throat". Well, currently Germany is at Europe's throat, threatening Greece and Spain, and all of Europe with financial ruin by refusing to cough up a measly hundred billion USD for the greater good. But soon the Germans will be hoist on their own petard once more, and find themselves happily licking boots again. It will be like old times, reminiscent of post WW I & II. They will soon be licking furiously, and begging Greece, Spain, Italy, and Ireland, and any other EU nation that wants it, to please oh please accept the German lucre, as much as they need. What will make this happen?

But just banking and hoping and negotiating with the Germans will not be enough to separate the tightwad Burghers from continuing to clutch obsessively at their cash. No, it will take sterner measures. What would be sterner? Well,  first, a two by four whack on the head, to get the attention of the donkey-headed krauts. This to be followed by a swift kick in the gonads, designed to get them thinking not so much about their euros, but about the long term pain and suffering they may be facing at the hands of their brethren European weasels. Will this suffice to get the Krauts to give up the ghost, and to say with a long sigh: “Ja, Ja, Jahwohl, I give up. Allow me to bend over and grab my ankles. Ja, go ahead, do what you will with me…”. What will it take to bring the above scenario, fondly wished for by the whole world? Simple. Play the Nazi card. The Krauts are defenseless against the Nazi card.

France and the EU has already tried everything else in their tool chest to persuade Angela Merkel  to pay up, and to date everything else has failed.  

The Elysée Palace still believes it can rely on the willingness of the Germans to work hard while Frenchmen need not.  So France just decided with impunity to lower their retirement age to 60. No Frenchman will be forced to work any longer just because it might help their economy. No way are the French going to work as long as their fellow Europeans in Germany, who are being obliged by the German government to labor and toil until age 67. In Europe, everyone is now trying to feather their own nest at the expense of Germany.
Nicolas Sarkozy, Hollande's predecessor, believed that the best way to twist German arms into paying up and bailing out the rest of Europe  was by using the novel approach of fostering a sense of solidarity with German Chancellor Angela Merkel.  Hollande is doubling down on this tactic by returning to the tried-and-true method of threatening to weaken the Germans by undermining their economic strength. Neither of these tactics has worked to date. Those arrogant Germans krauts remain adamant. They keep insisting on keeping what they’ve earned, and keep refusing to give it away to their less hard working European brethren. Why, the nerve of these arrogant krauts. Truly outrageous. 

The next stage in the crisis will be blatant blackmail. With their refusal to accept money from the bailout fund to recapitalize their banks, the Spanish are not far from causing the entire system to explode. They clearly figure that the Germans will lose their nerve and agree to rehabilitate their banks for them without demanding any guarantee in return that things will take a lasting turn for the better.

One element of the blackmail comes from Greece. After the election on June 17, the Greeks will bargain with the other EU countries to see what its worth to them to see Greece abandon the euro.  The Greeks bluff is to convince the EU countries that Greeks no longer have much to lose,  but their EU neighbors -- and particularly the Germans -- still have a great deal to lose. They hope to leverage this bluff into no-strings-attached bailout dollars. Unfortunately for the Greeks, this ploy is also doomed to fail. Why? Because the truth is that far from no longer have much to lose, the Greeks actually still have a great deal to lose by abandoning the euro. What more can the Greeks lose? Another 50% (or more) hit to everything they own or have in their bank accounts. So Greece will not press this blackmail attempt. They have never in history outfaced the Germans, and they will not do so today.  

So, at long last, what will finally convince the Germans to give up the ghost, and pay through the nose?
Only one very potent, fat last arrow is left in the arsenal of the EU. It is, of course, to playing the Nazi card.  There have already been fitful incipient starts on this strategy. Witness the images that have been published of Angela Merkel in Nazi uniform (see below), and images of her sporting the Hitler salute. This is only the beginning of the campaign. 

The narrative that the EU is threatening to turn into a full blown PR campaign targeting Germany is as follows:  that it is appropriate and just to place the entire burden of the European financial crisis squarely on the back of the German nation. Why? Reparations for Nazism. 

Yes, the EU argument will be that the same German nation who foisted two world wars on Europe, and the same German nation which was responsible for more European deaths between 1939 and 1945 than the Black Death, is justly obliged to pay Europe back for its sins. This is the two by four shot whack across the head, followed by a swift kick to the groin. 

The Germans will not be able to resist. It will be sufficient for the EU to privately threaten Angela Merkel with this. Look for Germans to become as magnanimous with their bailout of Greece, Spain, Italy, and Ireland, as the US is in bailing out one state with money collected from another states. Nobody in America complains about that, and once the Germans have been made to see the light, neither will the Germans complain about bailing out Europe. And guess what. It will be for the best – it will be the beginning of the world economic recovery.

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