Thursday, August 9, 2012

Why Romney Deserves the Jewish Vote, and Anti-Israeli Obama Does NOT

Why Romney Deserves the Jewish Vote, and Anti-Israeli Obama Does NOT

 It is the very epitome of self hate for any Jew to even think about voting for Obama.

Back in '09 Obama insulted Prime Minister Bibi Netanyahu during Bibi's first visit to the Obama WH. How? He highhandedly, imperiously, and insultingly demanded that Bibi sign a repugnant statement (drafted by the WH) which reneged on  existing American-Israeli agreements on settlements, new construction, and military matters.

Bibi of course refused to sign under pressure. So Obama then demanded that Bibi stay seated right there in the WH and think it over for a few hours, in a room that the Israelis knew had been wired for sound. Obama then said that while Bibi and his aides should wait there (in the wired room) while he, Obama, himself would go upstairs and have dinner with his family.

There was no offer of food, kosher or otherwise, for the Israelis. (Btw, can you imagine anything more insulting to Jews? NO FOOD???) This all occurred in the early evening, and Obama didn't even offer to send out for kosher sandwiches for the Israelis. How insulting is that?

 Not since MacArthur hosted the Japanese diplomats on the USS Missouri for the Japanese surrender, or Hitler hosted Chamberlain in Munich, had a head of government been treated with such contempt, disdain, and insult.

Fortunately for Jews the world over,  Bibi neither faltered nor succumbed to the Obama bullying tactics. Bibi picked himself up and along with his Israelis aides he retired back to the Israeli embassy in DC, in an RF shielded room, where communications were secure, to discuss the situation. They then came back to the WH a few hours later to break the news to Obama - no, there would be no signature, thank you very much, and no surrender. And, btw, FU. This has set the tone for the Netanyahu-Obama relationship to the present day, including the dressing down Netanyahu gave Obama in front of the world press, in May of 2011, re Obama's idiotic '67 borders inane and false statement.

Bibi, like his martyred brother Jonathan, had dealt with much tougher hombres than Obama. He even had killed a few. So there was no real contest there. By his juvenile bullying behavior, Obama only displayed how naive and inexperienced a jerk he really was, and remains to the present moment.

The above little incident is a only a vignette and small a token of the mutual antipathy and disdain that exists between Bibi and Obama, and of the contempt and dismissive attitude Obama holds for Jews and and for the state of Israel. Obama's famous moronic statement on going back to the '67 borders was just another outstanding illustration of his ineptitude. If Obama is  re-elected, there will be no check on the power he will be  grabbing, and it will be to the detriment not only of Jews and Israel, but of America.

Obama is a narcissistic, grand egotistical, power mad, ideologue and socialist, and a destroyer of America. No Jew should even think about voting for him. We should instead contribute money and work in the campaign to defeat this little amateur would be Hitler, and to elect the best friend Israel has in America, Mitt Romney.

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