Specializing in analysis of complex data sets (BLS, CBO, IRS, WH, FDIC, Moody's, & Other) and creation of meaningful technical charts, graphs, and narratives: Blogging by Abe Lesnik
Friday, September 28, 2012
Dealing with the Big Lies of Achmadinijad, Abbas, Obama, and Goebbels
Dealing with the Big Lies of Ahmadinejad, Abbas, Obama, and Goebbels
It may be instructive to generalize the problem posed by R. Hier in his excellent article (see: http://www.jewishjournal.com/opinion/article/mr._president_the_problem_is_not_holocaust_denial), as follows:
How do you deal with liars, especially Big Liars?
Now there are liars, and then there are Big Liars.
So on the one hand we have the lies of relatively high officials or representative of organizations, such as referred to by R. Hier, namely:
1) lies by the President of the Palestinian Authority,
2) lies by a representative of the Palestinian Ministry of Information,
3) lies by the Chief Judge of the Palestinian Authority,
4) lies by a Senior Palestinian Authority official,
5) lies by the President of the United States, or
6) lies by the Nazi master propagandist Josef Goebbels.
These are lies spoken, kind of "at large", or "writ large" . These lies are spoken to an audience; to everybody listening or reading. They are not personal, such as lies that are whispered in your ear, or told to your face personally. Such as: "I'll pay you tomorrow". These are "Big Lies", famously defined by Josef Goebbels, which have a political or statist purpose, designed to subvert the truth and substitute a fake reality for the truth, for purposes of gaining political and social power, to assert power, and gain political ascendancy and control of people.
Included in the above sense of the "Big Lie" are all the lies of the current presidential campaign, such as the lie that Mitt Romney was responsible for the death of a woman, or that he paid no taxes, or that there is a Republican "war on women", and many other lies perpetrated and endlessly repeated by the Obama campaign.
What is to be done about these types of lies? There is only one answer, which is that they must be publicly and repeatedly called out, and debunked as the lies which they truly are. And who is charged with this responsibility? Unfortunately, no one. We have in the past come to rely on the media for this function, but clearly that cannot be relied on. So we must each of us take on that role. Personally, early, and often.
Monday, September 24, 2012
Top 26 Signs That You Are A Conspiracy Theory Nut
1 You distrust the mainstream media, and love Rush Limbaugh, Michelle Malkin, and Mark Levin.
2 You think that drones in America might not be targetting Al Qaeda operatives in the United States.
3 You would like to be able to get on a plane without getting dosed with cancer causing radiation or
being groped by Homeland Security.
4 You think you have the right to protest, exercise free speech, and criticise the administration.
5 You think the War on Terror, the War on Women, the War on Drugs, and the War in Afghanistan are all
6 You think the anger directed at America from the Middle East is related to our foreign policy.
7 You think "preserve, protect, and defend the The Constitution" does not constitute a terrorist act.
8 You have heard of the Bill of Rights and can even name what some of them are.
9 You think the right to bear arms is not for hunting.
10 You only watch RT on TV, especially the Keiser Report , Capital Account, and the Julian Assange show.
11 You think corporations are made up of people.
12 You think Warren Buffet is a phony, a crony capitalist, a bad guy, and should be fired from Berkshire.
13 You know that gold was made illegal by FDR in 1933 and removed from backing the dollar by Nixon in 1971.
14 You think politicians that push for war should be sent to fight on the front lines, especially John McCain.
15 You think food and energy should be included in inflation calculations.
16 You want to abolish the Department of Homeland Security.
17 You wand to "end the Fed".
18 You think Timothy Geithner and Ben Bernanke should get a fair trial and then be jailed.
19 You think Obama should be impeached for the high crime and misdemeanor of violating the Constitution multiple times, and failing to uphold his oath of office.
20 You think that JFK's head going backward proves that he was shot from the Grassy Knoll.
21 You think that JFK's brain going missing proves that that Lee Harvey Oswald was innocent.
22 You think Lee Harvey Oswald was not a good enough shot to have hit JFK in a moving car.
23 You do not believe a magic bullet hit both JFK and Gov. Connolly
24 You think the pristine bullet found on the stretcher in Parkland Hospital was a plant.
25 You think JFK's brain was stolen to hide the fact that the pristine bullet was planted.
26 You like and admire Secret Service Agent Clint Hill
Saturday, September 22, 2012
The Greatest American Woman Ever: Eleanor Roosevelt
With minor exceptions, like Lady Macbeth, Indira Ghandi, the Medusa, and a few other of the fairer sex, I do think that the world would be a much better place if women instead of men were in charge. Because women really are more ethical, more everything than men. But some people have made a terrible mistake by nominating Hillary Clinton as an exemplar of the ethical woman. Nothing could be farther from the truth. Why? Well...
Hillary was suborning perjury and being unethical when she threatened Juanita Broadrick to keep her quiet about Bill having raped her. Hillary unethical and actually committed an obstruction of justice when she hid legal Whitewater papers from Congressional investigators. And then there was the ghoulish joking when Gaddaffi was killed ("We came, we saw, he died, ha ha"). This more than likely led to the retaliatory revenge murder last week of Chris Stevens and 3 others. Not so funny, is it?. Hillary kissed and hugged Arafat's wife Suha, right after Suha gave a speech condemning Israel and Jews. Hillary was unethical and also committed a crime when she used insider information to make money on the stock market, and then lied about it. Yes, women generally are more ethical and better human being than men, but you can hardly find a worse example in US or World history than Hillary. She is a horror show.
My best candidate for a much much better example of a great and good American woman is the great Eleanor Roosevelt. (Btw, I have a very excellent (and complimentary, of course) Eleanor Roosevel joke which you can find on YouTube.)
Hillary was suborning perjury and being unethical when she threatened Juanita Broadrick to keep her quiet about Bill having raped her. Hillary unethical and actually committed an obstruction of justice when she hid legal Whitewater papers from Congressional investigators. And then there was the ghoulish joking when Gaddaffi was killed ("We came, we saw, he died, ha ha"). This more than likely led to the retaliatory revenge murder last week of Chris Stevens and 3 others. Not so funny, is it?. Hillary kissed and hugged Arafat's wife Suha, right after Suha gave a speech condemning Israel and Jews. Hillary was unethical and also committed a crime when she used insider information to make money on the stock market, and then lied about it. Yes, women generally are more ethical and better human being than men, but you can hardly find a worse example in US or World history than Hillary. She is a horror show.
My best candidate for a much much better example of a great and good American woman is the great Eleanor Roosevelt. (Btw, I have a very excellent (and complimentary, of course) Eleanor Roosevel joke which you can find on YouTube.)
Top 41 Ways To Get Labeled as a “Suspected Terrorist”
The following 41 actions may get an American citizen living on U.S. soil labeled as a “suspected terrorist” today:
Speaking out against government policies
Protesting anything
Questioning war (even though war reduces our national security; and see this)
Criticizing the government’s targeting of innocent civilians with drones
Asking questions about pollution (even at a public Congressional hearing?)
Paying cash at an Internet cafe
Asking questions about Wall Street shenanigans
Holding gold
Creating alternative currencies
Stocking up on more than 7 days of food
Having bumper stickers saying things like “Know Your Rights Or Lose Them”
Investigating factory farming
Infringing a copyright
Taking pictures or videos
Talking to police officers
Wearing a hoodie
Driving a van
Writing on a piece of paper
(Not having a Facebook account may soon be added)
Valuing online privacy
Supporting Ron Paul or being a libertarian
Liking the Founding Fathers
Being a Christian or Orthodox Jew (assumed to be Israeli spy)
Being anti-tax, anti-regulation or for the gold standard
Being reverent of individual liberty
Being anti-nuclear
Believe in conspiracy theories
A belief that one’s personal and/or national “way of life” is under attack
“Impose strict religious tenets or laws on society (fundamentalists)”
Insert religion into the political sphere
Those who seek to politicize religion
Supported political movements for autonomy
Being “anti-abortion”
Being “anti-Catholic”
Being “anti-global”
Suspicious of centralized federal authority
Fiercely nationalistic (as opposed to universal and international in orientation)
A belief in the need to be prepared for an attack either by participating in … survivalism
Opposing genetically engineered food
Opposing surveillance
Speaking out against government policies
Protesting anything
Questioning war (even though war reduces our national security; and see this)
Criticizing the government’s targeting of innocent civilians with drones
Asking questions about pollution (even at a public Congressional hearing?)
Paying cash at an Internet cafe
Asking questions about Wall Street shenanigans
Holding gold
Creating alternative currencies
Stocking up on more than 7 days of food
Having bumper stickers saying things like “Know Your Rights Or Lose Them”
Investigating factory farming
Infringing a copyright
Taking pictures or videos
Talking to police officers
Wearing a hoodie
Driving a van
Writing on a piece of paper
(Not having a Facebook account may soon be added)
Valuing online privacy
Supporting Ron Paul or being a libertarian
Liking the Founding Fathers
Being a Christian or Orthodox Jew (assumed to be Israeli spy)
Being anti-tax, anti-regulation or for the gold standard
Being reverent of individual liberty
Being anti-nuclear
Believe in conspiracy theories
A belief that one’s personal and/or national “way of life” is under attack
“Impose strict religious tenets or laws on society (fundamentalists)”
Insert religion into the political sphere
Those who seek to politicize religion
Supported political movements for autonomy
Being “anti-abortion”
Being “anti-Catholic”
Being “anti-global”
Suspicious of centralized federal authority
Fiercely nationalistic (as opposed to universal and international in orientation)
A belief in the need to be prepared for an attack either by participating in … survivalism
Opposing genetically engineered food
Opposing surveillance
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Europe's Choice of Evils

In principle (but alas not in practice) Europe has a choice among 3 evils:
1) Give up the nation state model of the last 1000 years (i. e., become the United States of Europe).
This will not happen. Why?
-> Frenchmen, Germans, Greeks, Italians, etc. will never ever ever give up their national identities, especially if it means allowing Germany to achieve hegemony in Europe, like they were unable to do under Hitler.
2) Take a deep dive into economic Armageddon (i. e., return to the Drachma, Lira, etc., & "creatively" destroy the world economy as we know it).
This will also not happen. Why?
-> As long as the Bankers (Draghi, Bernanke, etc.) are able to print money and so maintain the status quo and keep their jobs and their dominance, then they will never allow this to occur.
3) Continue to kick the can down the road (i. e., life support funding for PIIGS (Portugal, Ireland, Italy, Greece, Spain) and ongoing lip service for austerity).
This is what has been occurring for the last 4 years, and what will continue to occur.
The only threat to choice #3 is a rebellion and revolution by those on whom the brunt of the burden of the ongoing economic miasma falls.
Who is that? The taxpaying Germans, French, and Brits. The taxcheating Greeks, Portugese, Spaniards and Italians. And all those bearing the brunt austerity (such as it is).
But there will be no rebellion of the masses. Why? Because of Islamism. The Muslim Revolution. So called Global Terrorism. Arab Spring/Summer/Fall/Winter, (repeat until done) is the gift that keeps on giving, by capturing the attention of the masses, and hypnotizing the masses into inaction. Turning them into an audience.
The so called Global Terrorism will serve to keep the European white population properly cowed and thankful for what passes for a normal everyday, life, devoutly to be wished for by all, and for which the white population will gladly settle.
George Orwell's prophetic book "1984" has become the real world. Perpetual war. Fascistic government. Loss of Liberty.
(see http://www.telegraph.co.uk/finance/comment/9531764/Carthaginian-terms-for-Italy-and-Spain-threaten-Draghi-bond-plan.html)
Sunday, September 16, 2012
Friday, September 14, 2012
Who's On First? U.S. State Department corrects Obama: Egypt IS an ally, after all.
U.S. State Department corrects Barack Obama: Egypt IS an American ally, Mr President
Egypt, along with Saudi Arabia, Jordan and Israel, has long been considered an American ally in the Middle East.Egypt was designated as 'Major Non-NATO Ally' in 1989 when the U.S. Congress first passed a law creating that status. The status gives Egypt special privileges in cooperating with the United States, especially in the security and technology arenas.
Telemundo: And you
don't know the fellows' names? I mean the countries the US is an Allied with
Obama: Well I should.
Telemundo: Well then who's on first? Egypt? Israel? England?
Obama: Yes.
Telemundo: I mean the fellow's name. The country’s name
Obama: Who.
Telemundo: The guy on first.
Obama: Who.
Telemundo: The first baseman. The country.
Obama: Who.
Telemundo: The guy playing...Egypt?
Obama: Who is on first!
Telemundo: I'm asking YOU who's on first. The country
Obama: That's the country’s name.
Telemundo: That's who's name?
Obama: Yes.
Telemundo: Well go ahead and tell me.
Obama: That's it.
Telemundo: That's who?
Obama: Yes.
Telemundo: Look, you gotta first baseman? The country you’r
allied with?
Obama: Certainly.
Telemundo: Who's playing first allied country?
Obama: That's right.
Telemundo: When you pay off the first country every month,
who gets the money?
Obama: Every Trillion dollar of it.
Telemundo: All I'm trying to find out is the country’s name on first base.
Obama: Who.
Telemundo: The guy that gets...
Obama: That's it.
Telemundo: Who gets the money...
Obama: He does, every last Trillion dollars. Sometimes his
wife comes down and collects it.
Telemundo: Who's wife? What country
Obama: Yes.
Obama: What's wrong with that?
Telemundo: Look, all I wanna know is when you sign up the
first country, does he sign his name in Arabic?
Obama: Who.
Telemundo: The guy.
Obama: Who.
Telemundo: How does he sign...
Obama: That's how he signs it.
Telemundo: Who?
Obama: Yes.
Telemundo: All I'm trying to find out is what's the country’s
name that you’re allied with on first
Obama: No. What is on second base.
Telemundo: I'm not asking you who's on second.
Obama: Who's on first.
Telemundo: One base at a time!
Obama: Well, don't change the countries around.
Telemundo: I'm not changing nobody!
Obama: Take it easy, buddy.
Telemundo: I'm only asking you, who's the country allied
with you on first base?
Obama: That's right.
Telemundo: Ok.
Obama: All right.
Telemundo: What's the guy's name on you’re allied with on first
Obama: No. What is on second.
Telemundo: I'm not asking you who's on second. Israel?
Obama: Who's on first. Egypt.
Telemundo: I don't know.
Obama: He's on third, we're not talking about him. The U. K.
Telemundo: Now how did I get on third base?
Obama: Why you mentioned his name.
Telemundo: If I mentioned the third country's name, who did
I say is playing third?
Obama: No. Who's playing first allied country.
Telemundo: What's on first?
Obama: What's on second. Israel.
Telemundo: I don't know.
Obama: He's on third. The U. K.
Telemundo: There I go, back on third again!
Telemundo: Would you just stay on the third base ountry and
don't go off it.
Obama: All right, what do you want to know?
Telemundo: Now who's playing third base? The country.
Obama: Why do you insist on putting Who on third base?
Telemundo: What am I putting on third.
Obama: No. What is on second.
Telemundo: You don't want who on second?
Obama: Who is on first.
Telemundo: I don't know.
Obama & Telemundo Together:Third base! U. J.
Telemundo: Look, you gotta outfield?
Obama: Sure.
Telemundo: The left fielder's name? Pakistan?
Obama: Why.
Telemundo: I just thought I'd ask you.
Obama: Well, I just thought I'd tell ya.
Telemundo: Then tell me who's playing left field. Pakistan
or Libya?
Obama: Who's playing first.
Telemundo: I'm not... stay out of the infield countries! I
want to know what's the guy's name in left field? In Asia.
Obama: No, What is on second.
Telemundo: I'm not asking you who's on second.
Obama: Who's on first!
Telemundo: I don't know.
Obama & Telemundo Together: Third base! U. K. !
Telemundo: The left fielder's name? Pakistan?
Obama: Why.
Telemundo: Because!
Obama: Oh, he's centerfield. The Czech Republic.
Telemundo: Look, You gotta pitcher on this team?
Obama: Sure.
Telemundo: The pitcher's name? Putin?
Obama: Tomorrow. Don’t stop thinking about tomorrow.
Telemundo: You don't want to tell me today? Today I’m
feeling blue.
Obama: I'm telling you now.
Telemundo: Then go ahead.
Obama: Tomorrow!
Telemundo: What time?
Obama: What time what?
Telemundo: What time tomorrow are you gonna tell me who's
pitching? Putin, right?
Obama: Now listen. Who is not pitching. Hu. From China.
Telemundo: I'll break your arm, you say who's on first! I
want to know what's the pitcher's name? Hu? From China?
Obama: What's on second.
Telemundo: I don't know.
Obama & Telemundo Together: Third base! U. K. !
Telemundo: Gotta a catcher?
Obama: Certainly. Angela
Telemundo: The catcher's name?
Obama: Today. Ben Bernanke.
Telemundo: Today, and tomorrow's pitching. Putin?
Obama: Now you've got it.
Telemundo: All we got is a couple of days on the team.
Telemundo: You know I'm a catcher too. Me, Obama.
Obama: So they tell me.
Telemundo: I get behind the plate to do some fancy catching,
Tomorrow's pitching on my team and a heavy hitter gets up. Now the heavy hitter
bunts the ball. When he bunts the ball, me, being a good catcher, I'm gonna
throw the guy out at first base. So I pick up the ball and throw it to who?
Obama: Now that's the first thing you've said right.
Telemundo: I don't even know what I'm talking about!
Obama: That's all you have to do.
Telemundo: Is to throw the ball to first base. Egypt.
Obama: Yes!
Telemundo: Now who's got it?
Obama: Naturally. Iran.
Telemundo: Look, if I throw the ball to first base,
somebody's gotta get it. Now who has it? Iran?
Obama: Naturally. Achmadinijad.
Telemundo: Who?
Obama: Naturally. Him and his Mullahs.
Telemundo: Naturally?
Obama: Naturally. After it’s enriched to weapons grade, I
Telemundo: So I pick up the ball and I throw it to
Naturally. Iran?
Obama: No you don't, you throw the ball to Who. Israel.
Telemundo: Naturally. Iran.
Obama: That's different. That’s Hillary.
Telemundo: That's what I said.
Obama: You're not saying it...
Telemundo: I throw the ball to Naturally.
Obama: You throw it to Who.
Telemundo: Naturally.
Obama: That's it.
Telemundo: That's what I said!
Obama: You ask me.
Telemundo: I throw the ball to who? Our Ally, Egypt?
Obama: Naturally.
Telemundo: Now you ask me.
Obama: You throw the ball to Who? Israel?
Telemundo: Naturally. Iran.
Obama: That's it.
Telemundo: Same as you! Same as YOU! I throw the ball to
who. Whoever it is drops the ball and the guy runs to second. Who picks up the
ball and throws it to What. What throws it to I Don't Know. I Don't Know throws
it back to Tomorrow, Triple play. Another guy gets up and hits a long fly ball
to Because. Why? I don't know! He's on third and I don't give a darn!
Obama: What?
Telemundo: I said I don't give a darn!
Obama: Oh, that's our shortstop.
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Michelle Malkin Brings the Outrage:"These optics suck, White House... four Americans are dead!
Michelle Malkin Brings the Outrage
"These optics suck, White House.!
I mean we have four Americans who are dead. Who were butchered and slaughtered because this administration did not have the foresight to fortify these embassies on the eleventh anniversary of 9/11.
And there he is with all of his fan boys and fan girls in Vegas, raising money while they scream "I love you" in the middle of an international crisis.
And how about his statement this afternoon in the Rose Garden. He couldn't muster up a single flash of anger or outrage that these Americans are dead now? Tough day? Woe is me. The bloodlessness of his statement makes my blood boil, and should make every Amercan's blood boil.
Especially in this week. Which was a tough week for all of the 3000 families of all of the people who died on 9/11.
And then we have this feckless lapdog media that's conspiring to make this whole issue about Romney instead of about Obama.
It's [the blood] on his hands. The buck stops with you, buddy."
"These optics suck, White House.!
I mean we have four Americans who are dead. Who were butchered and slaughtered because this administration did not have the foresight to fortify these embassies on the eleventh anniversary of 9/11.
And there he is with all of his fan boys and fan girls in Vegas, raising money while they scream "I love you" in the middle of an international crisis.
And how about his statement this afternoon in the Rose Garden. He couldn't muster up a single flash of anger or outrage that these Americans are dead now? Tough day? Woe is me. The bloodlessness of his statement makes my blood boil, and should make every Amercan's blood boil.
Especially in this week. Which was a tough week for all of the 3000 families of all of the people who died on 9/11.
And then we have this feckless lapdog media that's conspiring to make this whole issue about Romney instead of about Obama.
It's [the blood] on his hands. The buck stops with you, buddy."
Obama compares his campaign workers to Americans killed in Libya
President Barack Obama compared his campaign volunteers to the American officials killed in Libya, saying that 'like them, you guys are Americans who sense that we can do better than we’re doing'.
Fortunately, however, and unlike Ambassador Stevens, the campaign workers were neither sodomized nor manually suffocated by vengeful, murderous, loyalist Ghaddafi terrorists.
Fortunately, however, and unlike Ambassador Stevens, the campaign workers were neither sodomized nor manually suffocated by vengeful, murderous, loyalist Ghaddafi terrorists.
Death of a Brave Californian – J. Christopher Stevens, U. S. Ambassador to Libya
J. Christopher Stevens, killed Tuesday in an attack
in Benghazi, Libya, deserved much much better than the violent death
that came to him on the 11th anniversary of 9/11.
A former Peace Corps volunteer, fluent in Arabic,
Stevens was an easygoing but determined career diplomat, played down the
dangers of his job, and was the first sitting U.S. ambassador to be
killed in a violent attack since 1979.
The apparent cause of his death was smoke inhalation, although there were reports that he had been manually suffocated.
Funny and charming, with a broad smile and wide curiosity, Mr. Stevens made friends easily and kept them, colleagues said. He was well-known for haggling at the shops of the Old City in Jerusalem and lingering over coffee in the walled Old City in Tripoli.
Deputy Secretary of State William J. Burns called Stevens one of “the very finest officers of his generation in the Foreign Service.”
Stevens had served in Israel, Egypt, Syria, Saudi Arabia, and Libya, which became the center of his career. He served there three times, including during Gaddafi's reign, and as the No. 2 U.S. diplomat in Libya (2007 to 2009).
Former State Department colleague Wayne White said: "He was a genuinely intelligent, high-minded guy,” .
As a diplomat, Mr. Stevens had a direct style that is unusual among his peers. Preparing then-Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice for a meeting with Gaddafi in 2008, he alluded to Gaddafi’s crush on Rice. Rice later recalled Gaddafi’s interest in her as “creepy.”
Mr. Stevens, who grew up near Oakland, Calif., attended the University of California at Berkeley. He never married and had no children. His brother Tom Stevens, an assistant U.S. attorney in San Francisco, said the family had worried about Mr. Stevens’s safety.
“He was good-natured about it. He wasn’t afraid ...” Tom Stevens said.
Austin Tichenor, a high school classmate, college roommate and lifelong friend, said Mr. Stevens was passionate about a career that was worlds away from his own.
Mr. Stevens had worked as an international trade lawyer and a Peace Corps volunteer in Morocco before joining the State Department.
Arash Babaoff, a friend of Mr. Stevens’s since the 1990s, described him as an intensely committed diplomat.
“It was his life,” Babaoff said. “He was just someone who really had his heart in this...”
Mr. Stevens is one of 8 U. S. Ambassadors who died in the line of duty.
1. John Christopher Stevens, in Libya -- Sept. 11, 2012
Stevens was a career diplomat and Arabic speaker known for his smile
and determination. He and three other Americans were slain in an attack
upon the U.S. Consulate in the eastern Libyan city of Benghazi.-------------------------------------------------------------------------
2. Laurence A. Steinhardt, in Canada, March 28, 1950
Steinhardt was on his way back to Washington when his plane crashed in Ontario. He was a former ambassador to the Soviet Union, Turkey, Peru, Czechoslovakia and Canada.
3. John Gordon Mein, in Guatemala -- Aug. 28, 1968
Mein was ordered out of his limousine and gunned down in Guatemala City by guerrillas.
4. Cleo A. Noel Jr., in Sudan -- March 1, 1973
Noel was killed in an attack by guerrillas from the militant group Black September in the Saudi Arabian Embassy in Sudan.
5. Francis E. Meloy Jr.,. in Lebanon -- June 16, 1976
Meloy, his economic adviser and their driver were kidnapped by the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine and shot to death. The killers were acquitted in 1996 on the grounds that their cases fell within the scope of a 1991 amnesty law that covers crimes committed during wartime.
6. Rodger P. Davies, in Cyprus -- Aug. 19, 1974
Davies was shot during a protest against the embassy following the Turkish invasion of Cyprus.
7. Adolph Dubs, in Afghanistan -- Feb. 14, 1979
Dubs was kidnapped by armed militants and held in the Kabul Hotel. They demanded the release of Badruddin Bahes, an imprisoned leader of their party. After an exchange of gunfire between Afghan police and the kidnappers, a U.S. Embassy medical team found Dubs seated in a chair with several bullet wounds in his head and chest.
8. Arnold L. Raphel, in Pakistan, Aug. 17, 1988
Raphel was killed in a plane crash in Bahawalpur. Also aboard were Pakistani President Zia ul-Haq and U.S. Brig. Gen. Herbert M. Wassom. Raphel was fluent in Urdu, French and Persian.
Sunday, September 9, 2012
Final Rankings of the 2012 Chess Olympiad - What it Means...
Since time immemorial, everybody knows that Chess is either the best way, or in the top 2 of best ways to measure human intelligence. (The second way, btw, is to have a 5 minute conversation with the person). Note that the 1997 "victory" of Deep Blue over the greatest all time chess champion Gary Kasparov was a fraud and a cheat, perpetrated by the jealous nasty low life "suits" at IBM, and does not count.
The above Chess rankings don't show Israel or Iran, which is somewhat misleading, since the challenger for World Chess Champion in 2012 was the Israeli Gelfand (really a Russian), and Iran is a recognized Chess power.
Sad to say, in the current Geo-political chess match among Putin, Hu. Obama, Netanyahu, Hillary, Achmadionijad, Khomeni, and others, Putin and Hu are by far the most brilliant and accomplished. Russia and China will win in Syria, for example, by the simple expedient of preventing air power to be used against Assad. Thus Assad will have heavy weapons, artillery, tanks, helicopter gunships, etc. against the light weapons. small arms, and super duper communications equipment for the Al Qaeda Rebels. Except they don't have that much to communicate about.
Obama is a crypto moron on the world stage, by comparison, and Hillary is only marginally better. But she is a much worse person than Obama morally, by far, having threatened Juanita Broaddrick to keep quiet about Bill Clinton having raped her in Little Rock on April 25, 1978. Not nice.
On Nov. 6, Obama will forever be relegated, for the rest of his life, to the rubber chicken speaking circuit, after Mitt Romney defeats him in the biggest landslide since LBJ over H2O in 1964 and Reagan over Mondale in 1984. Never in American history will the repudiation of a sitting President be so overwhelming.
Perhaps the Dems will learn from the repeated failure of the left libs - Dukakis, Mondale, Carter, Kerry, and now Obama. The only successful Dem was Clinton, but he was and remains a centrist Dem rapist.
What is it with the Dem sexual predators? JFK, John Edwards, Weiner, Ted Kennedy, Bill Clinton. Even John Kerry is something of a sexual predator, too, specializing in predation of multi-millionaire women.
The above Chess rankings don't show Israel or Iran, which is somewhat misleading, since the challenger for World Chess Champion in 2012 was the Israeli Gelfand (really a Russian), and Iran is a recognized Chess power.
Sad to say, in the current Geo-political chess match among Putin, Hu. Obama, Netanyahu, Hillary, Achmadionijad, Khomeni, and others, Putin and Hu are by far the most brilliant and accomplished. Russia and China will win in Syria, for example, by the simple expedient of preventing air power to be used against Assad. Thus Assad will have heavy weapons, artillery, tanks, helicopter gunships, etc. against the light weapons. small arms, and super duper communications equipment for the Al Qaeda Rebels. Except they don't have that much to communicate about.
Obama is a crypto moron on the world stage, by comparison, and Hillary is only marginally better. But she is a much worse person than Obama morally, by far, having threatened Juanita Broaddrick to keep quiet about Bill Clinton having raped her in Little Rock on April 25, 1978. Not nice.
On Nov. 6, Obama will forever be relegated, for the rest of his life, to the rubber chicken speaking circuit, after Mitt Romney defeats him in the biggest landslide since LBJ over H2O in 1964 and Reagan over Mondale in 1984. Never in American history will the repudiation of a sitting President be so overwhelming.
Perhaps the Dems will learn from the repeated failure of the left libs - Dukakis, Mondale, Carter, Kerry, and now Obama. The only successful Dem was Clinton, but he was and remains a centrist Dem rapist.
What is it with the Dem sexual predators? JFK, John Edwards, Weiner, Ted Kennedy, Bill Clinton. Even John Kerry is something of a sexual predator, too, specializing in predation of multi-millionaire women.
Bill Clinton Words To Believe In: "I did not have sexual relations..."...
Bill Clinton Words To Believe In: "I did not have sexual relations..."
Date: April 25, 1978
Location: After raping Juanita Broaddrick in the Camelot Hotel, Little Rock, Arkansas
Quote: “You should put some ice on that”
Date: September 13, 1998
Location: White House, Washington DC
Quote: "It depends on what the meaning of the word 'is' is.
Date: January 21, 1998
Location: Washington DC, Jim Lehrer News Hour Interview
Quote: "there is not a sexual relationship, an improper sexual relationship or any other kind of improper relationship”
Date: January 26, 1998
Location: White House, Washington DC
Quote: “I want you to listen to me. I'm going to say this again: I did not have sexual relations
with that woman, Miss Lewinsky.”
Date: September 6, 2012
Location:Charlotte, North Carolina, 2012 DNC
Quote: "No president — not me, not any of my predecessors, no one could have fully repaired all the damage that he found in just four years."
Note 1: Clinton admitted in taped grand jury testimony on August 17, 1998, that he had
had an "improper physical relationship“ with Lewinsky.)
Note 2: Bill Clinton’s rape of campaign supporter Juanita Broaddrick, “was an event that in
fact took place” according to a Wall Street Journal piece, Feb. 19, 1999. “To hear the details
of her story and the statements of the corroborating witnesses, was to understand that this
was an event that in fact took place.”
Note 3: "Her [Broaddrick's] friend Norma Rogers, a nurse who had accompanied her on the trip",
found Broaddrick distraught shortly after the time of the alleged attack.
Note 4:"She was so terrified. And the reason she was terrified was because she saw what had
happened to Kathleen Willey, Gennifer Flowers and all the rest of them."
Note 5: Although Broaddrick claimed that no one had pressured her to file a false affidavit, she
complained that she was being watched from parked cars, her home had been broken into,
her pets released and her answering machine tape stolen while she and her husband were away
briefly, during the House impeachment probe.
Note 6: In an interview by Dorothy Rabinowitz for the Wall Street Journal editorial page,
Broaddrick claimed that Clinton had told her not to worry about pregnancy, because
childhood mumps had rendered him sterile.[4] The alleged incident occurred two
years before Clinton's daughter with his wife Hillary Rodham was born.
Note 7: Interview with Sean Hannity: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5KZ8ICvutc0
Note 8: Broaddrick said that Clinton tried to apologize to her in 1991, and claimed he had changed. In response to his apologies, as she told the Washington Post, "I told him to go to hell, and I walked off"
Note 9: NBC Dateline interview of Juanita Broaddrick in which she describes the rape by Bill Clinton:
Date: April 25, 1978
Location: After raping Juanita Broaddrick in the Camelot Hotel, Little Rock, Arkansas
Quote: “You should put some ice on that”
Date: September 13, 1998
Location: White House, Washington DC
Quote: "It depends on what the meaning of the word 'is' is.
Date: January 21, 1998
Location: Washington DC, Jim Lehrer News Hour Interview
Quote: "there is not a sexual relationship, an improper sexual relationship or any other kind of improper relationship”
Date: January 26, 1998
Location: White House, Washington DC
Quote: “I want you to listen to me. I'm going to say this again: I did not have sexual relations
with that woman, Miss Lewinsky.”
Date: September 6, 2012
Location:Charlotte, North Carolina, 2012 DNC
Quote: "No president — not me, not any of my predecessors, no one could have fully repaired all the damage that he found in just four years."
Note 1: Clinton admitted in taped grand jury testimony on August 17, 1998, that he had
had an "improper physical relationship“ with Lewinsky.)
Note 2: Bill Clinton’s rape of campaign supporter Juanita Broaddrick, “was an event that in
fact took place” according to a Wall Street Journal piece, Feb. 19, 1999. “To hear the details
of her story and the statements of the corroborating witnesses, was to understand that this
was an event that in fact took place.”
Note 3: "Her [Broaddrick's] friend Norma Rogers, a nurse who had accompanied her on the trip",
found Broaddrick distraught shortly after the time of the alleged attack.
Note 4:"She was so terrified. And the reason she was terrified was because she saw what had
happened to Kathleen Willey, Gennifer Flowers and all the rest of them."
Note 5: Although Broaddrick claimed that no one had pressured her to file a false affidavit, she
complained that she was being watched from parked cars, her home had been broken into,
her pets released and her answering machine tape stolen while she and her husband were away
briefly, during the House impeachment probe.
Note 6: In an interview by Dorothy Rabinowitz for the Wall Street Journal editorial page,
Broaddrick claimed that Clinton had told her not to worry about pregnancy, because
childhood mumps had rendered him sterile.[4] The alleged incident occurred two
years before Clinton's daughter with his wife Hillary Rodham was born.
Note 7: Interview with Sean Hannity: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5KZ8ICvutc0
Note 8: Broaddrick said that Clinton tried to apologize to her in 1991, and claimed he had changed. In response to his apologies, as she told the Washington Post, "I told him to go to hell, and I walked off"
Note 9: NBC Dateline interview of Juanita Broaddrick in which she describes the rape by Bill Clinton:
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Bill Clinton, impeached, disbarred rapist, speaks for women
Bill Clinton, impeached, disbarred rapist, speaks for women
Why should we be surprised at the Dems sexual insinuendo in the above picture ? (nsinuendo - a word invented by the deceased former Chicago Mayor Richard J. Daley).
Who are the leading Dem spokesmen on behalf of women?
* The deceased Ted Kennedy, who let Mary Joe Kopechne drown in a car he drove off a bridge while drunk and then tried to hide it.
* The discredited John Edwards, who had an affair with a woman while his wife Elizabeth was dying of cancer.
And then of course there's William Jefferson Clinton, who spoke at the Dem convention on behalf of women. This is the same man who:
-> Raped Juanita Brodderick and then advised her to "put some ice" on her injured lips
-> Molested Kathleen Wylie in a WhIte House anteroom, keeping Prime Minister Izhak
Rabin waiting outside
-> Seduced the teenage Monica Lewinsky and demeaned her sexually with a cigar
-> Cheated on wife Hillary Rodham Clinton with Gennifer Flowers for 22 years
-> Attempted unsuccessfully to molest Paula Jones and later settled her lawsuit, paying
a large fine, admitting guilt
-> Who was disbarred for 9 years from Arkansas and Federal Court
-> Who was held in contempt by District Court Judge Susan Weber for giving
intentionally false testimony
-> Who committed perjury
-> Who was the 2nd American President impeached by the House of Representatives
-> Who said "It depends on what you mean by the word "is"".
-> Who said "I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Monica Lewinsky". Which was a lie.
Why should we be surprised at the Dems sexual insinuendo in the above picture ? (nsinuendo - a word invented by the deceased former Chicago Mayor Richard J. Daley).
Who are the leading Dem spokesmen on behalf of women?
* The deceased Ted Kennedy, who let Mary Joe Kopechne drown in a car he drove off a bridge while drunk and then tried to hide it.
* The discredited John Edwards, who had an affair with a woman while his wife Elizabeth was dying of cancer.
And then of course there's William Jefferson Clinton, who spoke at the Dem convention on behalf of women. This is the same man who:
-> Raped Juanita Brodderick and then advised her to "put some ice" on her injured lips
-> Molested Kathleen Wylie in a WhIte House anteroom, keeping Prime Minister Izhak
Rabin waiting outside
-> Seduced the teenage Monica Lewinsky and demeaned her sexually with a cigar
-> Cheated on wife Hillary Rodham Clinton with Gennifer Flowers for 22 years
-> Attempted unsuccessfully to molest Paula Jones and later settled her lawsuit, paying
a large fine, admitting guilt
-> Who was disbarred for 9 years from Arkansas and Federal Court
-> Who was held in contempt by District Court Judge Susan Weber for giving
intentionally false testimony
-> Who committed perjury
-> Who was the 2nd American President impeached by the House of Representatives
-> Who said "It depends on what you mean by the word "is"".
-> Who said "I did not have sexual relations with that woman, Monica Lewinsky". Which was a lie.
Saturday, September 1, 2012
Israel and Obama: Et tu, Brute? Is that your knife in my back, bro?
Israel and Obama: Et tu, Brute? Is that your knife in my back, bro?
Obama reneging on U. S. commitments
to Israel
Obama famously said: "I have
Israel's back." Really? Nobody, least of all the American Chairman of the
Joint Chiefs, believes that.
Martin Dempsey, JCS Chief, warned that any Israeli attack on Iran would
"clearly delay but probably not destroy Iran's nuclear programs." He
also wrung his hands in public, bleating that any good effects of the economic sanctions
might, heavens to Betsy, be "undone if [Iran] was attacked
prematurely." Prematurely? Like when would NOT be prematurely. General
Dempsey, diminutive in stature, also is short of the stuff 4-star American
Generals are made of. He is in the tradition of Gen. Alexander Haig, who made
his career by saying “Yes” to power, and sucking up to power.
apparently distressed and anxiety ridden General further worried that : "I
don't want to be complicit if they choose to do it." In other words, “don’t
blame me…which way do I get out of here”. This guy would have been fired on the
spot by Grant, Lee, McArthur, Ike, Patton, at minimum, and forthwith by Generals
Washington or Andrew Jackson. Why? For an egregious lack of intestinal
fortitude, not only in the face of the enemy, but in the face of politicians.
U. S. has many ways of screwing Israel to punish them for launching an strike
on Iran. Recall that while beleaguered by Watergate in 1973. Richard Nixon ordered
a reluctant Henry Kissinger to resupply
Israel, saving Israel and Golda Meir from extinction. Contrary to this, Obama is threatening to refuse to resupply Israel with jets and bombs,
if Israel strikes, and to go to the U. N. to condemn an Israeli strike. In a
meeting with PM Netanyahu in Washington DC Obama begged the PM to refrain from
a strike before the Nov. 6 election. He promised oodles of economic and
military aid to seal the deal. Netanyahu was non-committal, but has recently
been beating the drums of war. Obama is getting nervous. So he dispatched the
short JCS chief to push back.
Demsey’s remarks, however, do not appear to be having the desired effect. The
opposite of Obama’s intention appears to be happening. This week saw a report by the International Atomic Energy
Agency that Iran's nuclear programs haven't been slowed in the least by U.S. or
international sanctions. In fact, they are accelerating.
we speak, 2,140 centrifuges are humming away in Iran’s underground Fordo
facility near Qom. Iran now is in possession of uranium enriched to 20%—or 87%
of the enrichment needed to reach bomb-grade levels. This number has grown from
zero to some 200 kilograms in a year. A mere additional 50 kilograms of 20%
uranium are sufficient to produce a bomb. Iran also has large stockpiles of
reactor-grade uranium, ripe for enrichment into to higher levels, namely
nuclear bomb grades of purity.
has cynically been parroting Iranian claims that they really have no intentions
of building a bomb, and simply wish to increase their power generation
capability. Well, the IAEA disagrees, and says in its report:
"the Agency has become
increasingly concerned about the possible
existence in Iran of undisclosed nuclear related activities related to the
development of a nuclear payload for a missile."
existence in Iran of undisclosed nuclear related activities related to the
development of a nuclear payload for a missile."
is upset. (Oops - too much Seinfeld). I mean - Israel is upset. Yes, Israelis
are upset at the repeated threats from Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to wipe them off the
map - but that is not the worst of it. More upsetting is hearing the lie from Obama
that he has Israel’s back, and then turning around and reducing the US Army
personnel in Israel by 67%.
is likely that the recent rattling of war drums by PM Netanyahu was designed to
help defeat Obama’s re-election bid. Israel fears a re-elected Obama, who would
then drop the phony pretenses and unmask his true Hitlerian visage towards
Israel. Obama is resentful of the drop in Jewish support in the campaign, just
like Jimmy Carter was in 1980 (his signature quote of 1980 was: “F-ck the Jews”).
has already taken possession of many of the aid packages Obama sent to Israel only
a few months ago. So as he sees it, he is unfettered and free to act now in
Israel’s best interest. As DeGaulle said, countries don’t have friends, they
have interests. Netanyahu is busy getting support for a strike sooner rather
than later. A lot depends on the U. S. election, however. If it looks like
Romney will win, then Netanyahu is better off not striking. If Obama is ahead
in October, then Israel will strike and so elect Romney. Who will be grateful.
Romney and Netanyahu worked together in the ‘70’s, and are friends, and
understand each other very well.
who never managed so much as a lemonade stand, has been entirely an amateur Obama
in many things, and certainly in cobbling together a policy toward Israel. It
has been a schizoid alternation between hate and phony love. Jew have been
saying “never again” since WWII, and the phrase probably has lost its power.
But when applied to the potential for a re-elected little Hitler, named Barack
Hussein Obama, then the phrase takes on new life.
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