Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Europe's Choice of Evils

Europe's Choice of Evils

In principle (but alas not in practice) Europe has a choice among 3 evils:

1) Give up the nation state model of the last 1000 years (i. e., become the United States of Europe).

This will not happen. Why?

-> Frenchmen, Germans, Greeks, Italians, etc. will never ever ever give up their national identities, especially if it means allowing Germany to achieve hegemony in Europe, like they were unable to do under Hitler.

2) Take a deep dive into economic Armageddon (i. e., return to the Drachma, Lira, etc., & "creatively" destroy the world economy as we know it).

This will also not happen. Why?

-> As long as the Bankers (Draghi, Bernanke, etc.) are able to print money and so maintain the status quo and keep their jobs and their dominance, then they will never allow this to occur. 

3) Continue to kick the can down the road (i. e., life support funding for PIIGS (Portugal, Ireland, Italy, Greece, Spain) and ongoing lip service for austerity).

This is what has been occurring for the last 4 years, and what will continue to occur.

The only threat to choice #3 is a rebellion and revolution by those on whom the brunt of the burden of the ongoing economic miasma falls.

Who is that? The taxpaying Germans, French, and Brits. The taxcheating Greeks, Portugese, Spaniards and Italians. And all those bearing the brunt austerity (such as it is).

But there will be no rebellion of the masses. Why? Because of Islamism. The Muslim Revolution. So called Global Terrorism. Arab Spring/Summer/Fall/Winter, (repeat until done) is the gift that keeps on giving, by capturing the attention of the masses, and hypnotizing the masses into inaction. Turning them into an audience.

The so called Global Terrorism will serve to keep the European white population properly cowed and thankful for what passes for a normal everyday, life, devoutly to be wished for by all, and for which the white population will gladly settle.

George Orwell's prophetic book "1984" has become the real world. Perpetual war. Fascistic government. Loss of Liberty.


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