Monday, July 30, 2012

GDP Growth Is Stalled (US & EU): We Are Already In a UK Style Double-Dip

GDP Growth Is Stalled (US & EU): We Are Already In a UK Style Double-Dip

We are already in Double-Dip Recession territory.

The consensus cadre of economic geniuses the world over, headed by chief helicopter pilot Ben  Bernanke, predicted a 2012 GDP growth of 3%. In actuality, in the US the number is instead an anemic 1.5%, and in Europe the number is effectively zero.

The above chart shows the GDP growth since the recession began in 2008, and what is evident and quite distressing is that what used to be a recovery in both EU and US, appears to have stalled, ceased, and given up the ghost.

But Pollyanna is not dead. Undeterred and unfazed, despite getting the first half of 2012 wrong, many of the same geniuses are now doubling down on the fairy tale that lower oil prices (not happening), rising auto sales (really anemic), recovering house prices (nonexistent, actually falling) , and a resurgence of U.S. manufacturing (not happening) will boost growth in the second half of the year and fuel above-potential growth by 2013.

Obviously, this is another pipe dream designed to artificially boost the stock market. Why do that? So that the geniuses can quickly realize some temporary gains and get out of Dodge. There are nothing but thieves, as far as the eye can see.

Believe no one. Not Dick Bove, who is a shill for the banks. Not Gaithner, whose amazing streak of luck is about to run out, not any of the in-the-tank-for-Obama CNBC charlatans, headed by Steve Liesman and abetted by the bipolar manic fool Jim Cramer, who is incapable of focusing on anything but the shiniest object in the room. One's a dolt, and the other really would benefit from a short hospitalization.

Well then, is there anyone at all out there who can be believed? Who is an honest man or woman? Hmmm....Difficult...But YES, Bippy, there are some heros out there. Who?

Rick Santelli.
Professor Nouriel Roubini.
Dr. Marc Faber
Angela Merkel.

Of course there is always Milton Friedman, Friedrich Hyak, Adam Simth, and Ricardo, but unfortunately and sadly, all these fine and brilliant individuals, are sleeping with the fishes.

What to do in these dire circumstances?
1. Do like the geniuses do. Realize any and all gains immediately, and then run like hell.
2. Do all in your power to defeat the current man child socialist spread the wealth President.

And then you will be a man, my son.

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