Friday, July 27, 2012

Hollywood Inspired Shootings Sweeping the Nation

Hollywood Inspired Shootings Sweeping the Nation

A mass shooting happens every FIVE days in America.

In the early morning hours of July 20, 2012, last Friday, in Aurora, Colorado,  12 people were gunned down and more than 50 people were injured, some of whom remain in critical condition. But this is only the latest tragedy involving gun violence sweeping the nation.

The map above shows the city and state where the last 431 shootings with more than one victim since 2005 have taken place, with circles whose radii are proportional to the number of deaths which occurred in the individually depicted incidnet.

Since 2005 in the US there has been a multiple-victim shooting every 5.9 days. The most dangerous city by far for mass shootings is Chicago, where Mayor Rahm Emmanuel has cut the Chicago Police force manpower by 9% and reassigned all task forces working on gang violence. Chicago has had 17 shootings, resulting in 30 deaths and 72 injuries, of which thirteen occurred in public places. Mayor Emmanuel has stated that the gangs should "leave the kids alone", implying that they should conduct their shootings in venues of Chicago where children were not present, and implying acquiescence and/or helplessness in stopping the shootings themselves.

Tied for the second bloodiest American cities were the cities of New Orleans, Kansas City and Philadelphia, which each had  nine shootings in the seven-year span.

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