Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Obama Ad: 'Vote like your lady parts depend on it', and give $450M to Egypt, where clitorectomy is practiced...

Obama scrubs controversial 'vote like your lady parts depend on it' e-card after backlash

An e-card that instructed women to 'vote like your lady parts depend on it' has been pulled from President Barack Obama's official Tumblr blog.

The e-card, which featured an image of a woman dressed in a 1920's flapper outfit reaching an arm in the air next to the controversial slogan, went viral on conservative blogs after a screen grab of it was posted online yesterday.

But within hours, the blue card had disappeared from the Obama 2012 campaign website.

The e-card sparked a backlash from republicans who took to Twitter in droves to lambast its 'misogynistic' message.

David Burge said: 'Nothing says 'pro-woman' like treating female voters as hysterical brain-damaged walking uteri.'

@Sevenlayercake said: 'Dear @BarackObama's Tumblr: I vote with my brain and not with my 'lady parts.' Seriously WTF?'

Kevin Eder @keder said: Leftists want black people to vote with their skin and women to vote with their lady parts. Who gets to vote with their brain?

Lori Ziganto said: My lady parts can't wait to hit the voting booth. Where I will vote with my brain. My daughter depends on it.

Gabriella Hoffman said: ...stop denigrating us, Democrats!

Datari-Isham said: Dems so disrespectful towards women. Bill linton is their sexual assaulting idol, and vagina costumes their uniform...

EmilyMiller tweeted: 'President Obama, quit worrying about my lady parts and start worrying about my wallet, OK?'

ezradulis tweeted: 'Obama appeases nations that literally cut up lady parts.'

ezradulis tweeted: 'Hi @Barack Obama: maybe you should rethink giving $450 million to Egypt, where female genital mutilation is still practiced.'

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