The weakness is best illustrated by the stagnant employment to population ratio. This ratio summarizes two labor market quantities: the unemployment rate and the labor participation rate. A declining ratio indicates that:
-> out of the available population, we are using fewer resources.
Why is this?
1) because workers cannot find jobs (high unemployment rate) or,
2) because unemployed persons are giving up searching for jobs and leaving the labor force. This is precisely the activity which causes a low labor participation rate, namely people who can work choosing not to seek work.
The current level of the employment to population ratio in the US remains at a very low level (by recent historical standards) and has not increased since the recovery started. This behavior is very different from what we have witnessed in previous recoveries dating back to 1945.
Moreover, the number of people claiming disability has soared. It rose to a record 8.7 million during March, 2012, doubling since February 1997. Over this period, their numbers have increased by 4.3 million. This helps to explain some of the drop in the labor force participation rate, which fell from 66.9% to 63.8% over this period.
How can we understand this monster increase in Disability Claims? One explanation is that people are relying more on governmental transfer payments in general, taking advantage of any and all government handouts available to them: Food Stamps, Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and yes, Disability. And why are people increasingly seeking out these programs now? BECAUSE THEY CAN'T FIND WORK. So they look for help in every quarter, and that includes Disability claims. Who can blame them.
It is worth noting that Medicare fraud alone is estimated to cost $60 Billion per year. No doubt fraudulent claims for other government programs, Unemployment, Food Stamps, and the rest, undoubtedly are rife with fraud. This ends up in the FBI and other government police authorities with burgeoning budgets and jobs for life, and with hapless people caught in their crimes and suffering the consequences. Congratulations, big government.
The above is a little example of the perniciousness of big government. A vicious force that draws desperate and unfortunate people into its dependency snare, ruining not just the lives of the beneficiaries and fraudsters alike.
The McKinsey Global Institute points out, the U.S. may face a shortfall of almost two million technical and analytical workers and a shortage of several hundred thousand nurses and as many as 100,000 physicians over the next ten years. In aerospace, 60% of the workforce is aged over 45 years old compared with 40% in the overall economy. How will these jobs be filled? Either by importing skilled labor via H1B visas, or by sending these jobs overseas.
The US is trending towards becoming a failed socialistic big government state, like all the European failed states, not only the PIGS (Portugal, Ireland, Greece, Spain), but France and Germany, too. Hand in glove with economic problems, historically, from Nazi Germany starting in the 1920's, to Toulouse, France, a few weeks ago, comes...wait for it...yes, you guessed it. Antisemitism. This is already epidemic in Germany, witness the scurrilous Antisemitic "poem" by the Nazi Nobel Laureate, Gunther Grass. And witness the increase in murders of Jews in Europe, in Mumbay, in Argentina. It follows as the night the day, that America will not be exempt from history. Yes, right here in River City.
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