Friday, May 11, 2012

Obama Snarls LA Traffic (Again). Clooney Bash Nets $15M from Hollywood, While Millions of Working Class Angelino Commuters Sit in Traffic

Obama Snarls LA Traffic (Again). Clooney Bash Nets $15M from Hollywood, While Millions of Working Class Angelino Commuters Sit in Traffic

This is about the 12th time Obama and his egomaniacal narcissistic campaign has snarled LA traffic during rush hour, and that's only in the last year.

It is estimated that if you add up all the man & woman hours that have been lost because of Obama's fund raiser traffic snarlers in LA, and alsoinclude the agita and heart attacks in traffic, that you will come up with a pretty penny in dollars, and several lives that have been needlessly cut short.

For example, if we assume an average hourly rate for an LA commuter stuck in traffic is $25/hour (probably an underestimate in LA) then you come upwith about $1.5 billion (1 million people x $25/hr x 5 hours x 12 times) = $1.5 Billion.

Let's also try to address the cost in human life. Somewhere between 1 and 5 people may have died of heart attacks or stroke or missed dialysis appointments while sitting in traffic, in their cars, with the A/C off. They could have called for help, but were afraid to call for help on their cellphone because they didn't have a hands-free lcellphone, and the fine for that in LA is $500 (after a 1st offense fine of $150).

Or possibly these poor souls may have died after they finally limped home, hours late, exhausted and upset. They went into the house, got themselves a very cold beer and succumbed of a heart attack when the icy bear hit their stomach, right there on the living room floor.

Or perhaps they exhautedly dragged themselves in the apartment, pissed off as hell at Obama's shenanigans. So they kicked the dog, and yelled and screamed at their spouse or live in partner, possibly same sex. But the spouse or same sex partner was shocked, not used to being accustomed to being screamed and yelled at. So the latter also got upset and then stabbed, shot, or throttled the poor arriving tired commuter to death.

This type of event was rare, mind you, and occcurred only a few times in a million, yeserday. But a life is a terrible thing to waste for a fund raiser, no matter how you look at it. And how many dollars are these pitiful deaths worth? Incalculable, of course. But anyhow, we need to forget all sad tales. Who really cares, after all. - certainly not Obama. He is busy singing with Barbara. These deaths are invisible, buried in the LAPD files not as being caused by the Obama-Clooney fund raiser, which is the truth, but in some other convenient LAPD category., like "Accidental Death". Whatever.

But the phoney platitudes aside, the truth is, if the fund raiser will help get the desperately-falling-behind Obama get re-elected then they have served their purpose. Right?

So how much did Obamae collect in campaign contributions in all his LA fund raising trips, given the cost? Well, he got $15 million last night. Let's assume that Obama raised campaign funds of about (on average) half that, or $7.5 million the other 11 times he came to LA to romance the Hollywood stars and starlets. What is the Hollywood fund raising total to date? Surprisingly, only about $100 Million. Astoundingly, Obama only collected about 2% of the total cost of the inconvenience that he caused, not counting the lives lost due to illnesses such as heart attacks. But tragically for the country, Steve Jobs is dead, so who is left to admonish Obama about
always making excuses for not being able to do anything? Answer: Nobody.Very sad. Another reason to vote for Romney, no?

So the result is that Obama inconvenienced and cost the people of LA about $1.5 Billion's worth of their time and agita, along with several heart attacks. I would actually estimate a factor of 3 increased cost for the agita, upset, and heart attacks. So that makes it $4.5 Billion in cost to the PEOPLE of LA, compared to collecting $100 Million from the Hollywood Glitterati, Streisand, Spielberg, Neil Diamond, Clooney himself, and so on.

You'd think these less than 1/10th per-centers could have saved  a lot of time and trouble and simply written the Obama campaign a goddamncheck. These craven lowlife narcissists can easily afford it, don't you know. Clooney gets about $30 Million per film, Spielberg, Streisand collect about $20 Million a year doing absolutely
nothing, just royalties, plus their projects, figure $50 Million per year. Ridiculous. They each easily kick in for 1-2-3 million. Hell, Bill Maher kicked in for $1M, right? So Obama could have easily collected the same $15 million he collected last night, without inconveniencing a lot of working people in LA, including, parenthetically, a lot of Hispanics, Blacks, Women, Gays, and people who use contraceptives. Brilliant politician Obama, right? NOT.

If you look at the Obama campaign the way the crows did, I mean the crows in the great Hitchcock movie, "The Birds". Hitchcock's brilliant directorial camera shot has the crows  looking down coolly and dispassionately at the inferno below, the
burning gas station. Very similar, photographically, to looking down on the crashing and burning Obama campaign. The truth is, whether people wish to admit it or not, that Obama is way overrated as a politician. The kool-aid drinkers and fainters don't see that, but it happens to be true. So here in LA he is blithely uncaring about pissing off a million people, 12 times, over and over. Why, so he can sing a duet with the haggy Barbara Stresand? Are you kidding me. This is a dunce of a politician. A self indulgent, immature, egomaniacal narcissistic loser. Incompetent on the economy. Incompetent on the campaign. Just incompetent.

The Obama brain trust is running the dumbest campaign since Millard Fillmore. Their latest missive? Attacking Romney on a false charge that he bullied a classmate 50 years ago? And the story is a fabrication, slavishly printed in the supine Washington Post?  Wow. Needless to say, the story blew up into little pieces within a few  hours. The ineptitude just reeks.

At least Millard Fillmore got a music venue named after him.

When the votes are counted on Nov. 6, 2012, it will be a landslide for Romney, the likes of which we last saw in 1980 and 1984, when Reagan trounced Carter and Mondale, respectively, but not with a lot of respect.

The Obama campaign derives its energy and life from the overarching ego gratification Obama apparently feeds on. Hopefully he will enjoys it to the max. Right up to January, 2013, when the moving van backs up to the WH to move Barack, Michelle, Sasha, Melea, Bo, and Michelle's Mom, back to their Chicago home, to join Axelrod and Rambo. At that point Obama will become the youngest ex-President of the United States in history. Well deserved.

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